Your contact partners

alumina systems holger wampers

Dr.-Ing. Holger Wampers

Managing Director
Alumina Systems GmbH

Phone: +49 9574 65432-250

Fax: +49 9574 65432-617

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Dr.-Ing. Kai Sauerzapfe

Product and Process Development
Alumina Systems GmbH 

Phone: +49 9574 65432-253
Fax: +49 9574 65432-617
Mobil: +49 175 2694362

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Norbert Müller

Sales und Marketing

Alumina Systems GmbH

Phone: +49 9574 65432-250
Fax: +49 9574 65432-617
Mobile: + 49 173 7518692

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alumina systems melanie konradi

Melanie Konradi

Controlling and Human Resources
Alumina Systems GmbH

Phone: +49 9574 65432-353
Fax: +49 9574 65432-617

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alumina systems wolfang jansen

Wolfgang Jansen

Operations Management and Human Resources
Alumina Systems GmbH

Phone: +49 9574 65432-787
Fax: +49 9574 65432-617

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